HIPAA Compliance


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step – Lao Tzu

HIPAA compliance is an important component of healthcare services, it's necessary but also challenging. Healthcare organizations need tools and guidance to make understanding and abiding by the law an easier process.

We have extensive experience partnering with organizations and healthcare providers to comply with HIPAA, improve security posture, and reduce the cost to adhere to the HIPAA legislation. Our solution tackles every aspect of HIPAA compliance under the law, so when a compliance audit is performed unexpectedly, you have the peace of mind that your practice will pass.

Kotori Technologies HIPAA Compliance services include:

  • Risk Analysis
  • Risk Management
  • Authentication
  • HIPAA Training
  • Malicious Software Protection
  • Transmission Security

Our consultants will implement policies and standards to ensure your organization remains compliant now and in the future. Contact us for a free consultation and help you confidently meet HIPAA requirements today.