2 major benefits of managed services for small businesses

It is difficult for many small business owners to transition their IT administration over to a managed services provider. Some owners feel wary about turning over control of their network to another service. However, a managed IT services provider can offer a wide range of benefits – two of which involve costs and efficiency. Read below to learn how you can reduce costs and improve efficiency with managed services.

Reducing Costs

Cost control is one of the biggest benefits of managed services. Operating an in-house data center is expensive. You are responsible for all of the hardware and software needed to run your network. When hardware fails or software needs upgrading, you must buy new hardware and software to keep your network working properly. Besides hardware and software costs, you must also factor in the costs of employing full-time IT technicians to maintain your devices.

With managed IT services, you reduce your costs because you are no longer responsible for maintaining any hardware or software. Your business also has access to the latest technology and expert support, all for a fixed monthly fee. The costs savings allows you to budget for new projects or expand the growth of your business.

Improved Efficiency

Chances are you have at least one or two employees who are responsible for your IT infrastructure. The daily tasks required for operating a network are overwhelming for even the most experienced IT professional. If an IT issue occurs that causes your network to go down, your company’s operations can come to a complete halt. It could take hours or even days for your employees to diagnose and repair major IT issues. Efficiency and productivity are significantly reduced.

A managed IT services provider can take on the day-to-day tasks associated with operating your network. This frees up your staff’s time to work on other projects that can grow your business. Managed services can also detect issues before they can turn into major problems. Your data and network are kept safe and secure, 24 hour a day. When your network is operating at full capacity, efficiency and productivity are greatly improved.

Managed IT services is becoming the ideal choice for many small businesses across all types of industries. The cost savings, security and efficiency benefits makes it an easy choice to transition from an in-house data center to managed services.

Contact us today for your free network evaluation and learn how we can design and manage your technology system.