COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) is shattering the global workforce with nearly 2 million confirmed cases worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The pandemic brought on by the novel coronavirus is forcing businesses in all of the impacted areas to find new ways to be productive.

What is business continuity?

Some managed service providers call it a business continuity plan, while others call it a disaster recovery plan. Whatever you call it, the solution should ensure that your data is accessible whenever, wherever.

It provides you with a robust set of tools for your team to rely on in times of distress and uncertainty, bringing some clarity to the mix. You can count on your IT department or MSP to sit down with you and tag team a plan created with the unique needs of your business in mind.

A concise business continuity plan should address the following:

  1. Preventing significant disruptions 
  2. Performing regular backups 
  3. Ensuring your backups are secure, updated and accessible 
  4. Retrieving lost data  
  5. VoIP phone systems that can be utilized remotely 
  6. An Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to share essential data  
  7. Company device management and BYOD policy 

If you haven’t sat down with your managed service provider to discuss your unique business continuity or disaster recovery plan, what better time than now? To prevent lost time in the future, and ensure productivity amid the global outbreak, schedule a call with our Solutions Architect today.