We would all like to be experts in disaster recovery, but how much do you really know about the topic? The answer might shock you.

The first mistake that many businesses make is thinking that disaster recovery and business continuity are all-or-nothing practices. Essentially, they think they’ll either have complete continuity or it’s just not worth it to invest in disaster recovery.

This is the type of thinking that causes companies to go out of business. A white paper published by Quocirca explains why business continuity shouldn’t be an extreme case:

“Aiming for complete business continuity will, in most cases, be too expensive for an organization to afford, and things will always go wrong, so strategy needs to be based on acceptable risk. However, a well-crafted disaster recovery strategy, based on well-defined and managed recovery time and point objectives (RTO/RPO), can provide sufficient support for organisations that meets defined corporate risk profiles.”

Both extremes aren’t ideal. In one case, a company invests way too much in disaster recovery and has a very poor ROI as a result. This is money that could have been spent better elsewhere. In the other case, a company completely ignores disaster recovery and has to learn the hard way what happens as a result of business downtime: losing money by the minute.

It’s all about finding the right balance that will give you a positive ROI. It’s not hard to see why many businesses have a hard time finding this balance. With little to no experience on the topic, companies have no basis to go off of. Disaster recovery service providers can help businesses find their acceptable risk and form a disaster recovery strategy that will yield a positive ROI.

To talk more about this, or anything else, please contact us. Thanks.