Checking in: Servant leadership in a remote age

There are many styles of leadership we often talk about. Transactional, transformational, and servant leadership are some of the many types of leadership we constantly speak about, each with their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Servant leadership, in particular, has been a major focus for modern organizations. With its focus on the members of an organization and emphasis on humility as a leadership characteristic, it’s often seen as the most desirable leadership style. What hasn’t been talked about as much is how you keep this type of leadership in a remote age of work. Here are some tips to help in this blog entry, Checking In: Servant Leadership in a Remote Age.

Like the Title Said

Checking in with your people is one of the simplest ways to be a good servant leader. Remember, for a servant leader, the well being of your people is paramount. Take care of them and they will take care of their tasks and production. Make sure you’re regularly checking in with your people. You won’t regret it.

Make Communication Easy

Communication is not one way. You can’t lead your people if they can’t get ahold of you. We often take digital communication for granted because it enables an ease of communication never known in other ages. The problem isn’t access; it’s the perception of it. You, as a leader, need to make sure that the channels aren’t only open, but that people are able and willing to communicate with you via them.

Remind Yourself

The old wisdom warns us that things out of our sight are often out of our mind. Servant leadership is no different. With many of us supervising our organizations from a distance, we often forget about the people we’re leading. There are many ways to remind yourself. Take a look at photos or the social media profiles of your team or read something about servant leadership. Remember they’re people and they are the mission.

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