Sometimes Network Monitoring is Still the Right Decision

The cloud is definitely changing the way we do business. Even some banks and financial institutions have switched over to the cloud. However, not every business owner is quite so quick to jump on the cloud bandwagon. Not every financial institution is ready for such a drastic change either.

However, just like cloud computing is becoming a standard for other industries; most financial institution heads admit that cloud computing will likely become their industry standard in the future.

In addition, platforms like Microsoft Office 365 make simple cloud migrations as familiar as it’s always been to open and install an Office upgrade to a PC.

However, though many businesses throughout a variety of industries are migrating to the cloud, it’s still not the right choice for every organization.

If you’re a small office, with no telecommuters, no need for extensive online collaboration and your staff only uses technology for basic office applications and simple work; you can likely use the same version of Office for years without needing to upgrade. However, if you use software like tax preparation and accounting software, annual updating is a priority. Using the cloud will likely save you money.

Hidden Costs and Pitfalls

In their clamor to migrate to the cloud, many business owners don’t realize that cloud costs aren’t as low as they imagine.

Cloud providers charge you per GB for outbound data transfers on top of your monthly fees if you go over a certain limit. Inbound transfers are usually free. Make sure to calculate your costs based on the amount of data you’ll need to backup, store and transfer every month.

Lastly, understand that when you choose a cloud computing platform, it’s almost just as permanent as using your own server. It’s important to have realistic expectations. Your data is stored in a format only compatible with platforms developed by the same vendor. When you choose a cloud platform, that’s a long term choice. Migration to or from a cloud platform isn’t always simple.

Contact us today at Kotori Technologies. We can handle your IT needs and monitor your network 24/7/365 whether you host your own server or prefer cloud hosting.