What Will You Do If Ransomware Strikes?

If you haven’t been concentrating on a disaster recovery plan in case your files are lost, it’s time to start thinking about it now. Companies that have until now neglected to create disaster recovery plans are now being forced to rethink their strategies and practices.

The rise of ransomware incidents has caused many losses. Ransomware is when hackers install malicious code onto your computer or network. It then slowly encrypts your data behind the scenes, without anyone noticing. After a day or two, the code will close down your computer, throw away the decryption key, and not restore access to your files unless you pay a ransom.

This ransom is usually paid by bitcoins, a type of digital currency that is almost impossible to track. This makes it hard for law enforcement to capture the hackers. In addition, many hackers are operating from overseas, making their arrest even more difficult.

Unfortunately, anti-virus and anti-malware programs are not always effective against ransomware. Although some may claim to be, the hackers are always finding new ways to sidetrack the anti-virus systems.

The only way to ensure that you’ll be able to restore your files is by implementing a disaster recovery plan that includes full and secure backups. When ransomware strikes, you’ll be able to restore your files immediately.

Stories of ransomware payments have dominated the news. Large hospitals have been forced to pay thousands of dollars when ransomware attacked their systems. Since they hadn’t been doing backups, they were forced to either pay up or lose thousands of patient files. Even several police departments and sheriff offices have quietly paid their attackers because they had no other way of regaining their law enforcement files.

Don’t be like them — instead, be prepared. Contact us for effective disaster recovery solutions that will get your system up and running anywhere and anytime.