Your time is spent making major corporate decisions, managing the financials of your company and looking at the overall picture. When your employees come to you with technology issues, it’s outside your domain. It’s not your fault; your focus is the company, not the day to day operations. Perhaps you haven’t had the headcount within the company to create an IT department, or perhaps you don’t see the need just yet. Why not consider hiring an outside source to take care of it for you? Here are five reasons you should consider setting up an IT consult.

1: Security

This is the biggest one on the list. An IT consult can help you identify security risks and outline ways to solve them before they become an actual threat to your company. Kotori is a Hopi Indian name meaning Owl Spirit. This means that we are watching your network 24/7, even when you are sleeping.

2: Pay As You Need

Instead of having to staff and pay an IT department all the time, you can opt for a consult. You get to decide whether our plans and ideas are right for your company, and you can set up a system where we only visit when you need us.

3: We Know How To Implement Plans

Our technicians know how to plan for both long and short term goals. They’re trained to develop and implement technology to the advantage of your company. From system-wide updates and maintenance to bringing in new technology to help you handle growth in individual departments, we are always one step ahead. Our professional scope ranges from engineering and implementing local and wide-area networking solutions to designing and building custom software applications to address your specific business needs.

4: Keeping You Informed

We like to keep our clients informed of what’s going on, every step of the way. Whether it’s developing or implementing plans or finding and solving problems ahead of time, you’ll always be in the loop.

5: They Can Find Problems Ahead of Time

Unless you are well versed in technology, it’s often hard to find (let alone anticipate) problems in your systems. It could be your firewalls or your the scale of your network, but we can sit down and point out problem areas that you might not have considered yet.

If you’d like to set up an IT consult, at no risk to you, please contact us today!